Monti chocolate Red Roses Bouquet
Buy Monti chocolate Red Roses Bouquet online for home and Office delivery.
The package comes with a chocolate box and a Bouquet of red roses, well wrapped and packed.
This delightful bouquet features floral classics like carnations, roses and daisies that are sure to brighten the day of your special someone!
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This delightful bouquet features floral classics like carnations, roses and daisies that are sure to brighten the day of your special someone!
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Buy Monti chocolate Red Roses Bouquet online for home and Office delivery.
The package comes with a chocolate box and a Bouquet of red roses, well wrapped and packed.
Long-stem red roses are just the gift for the one you can trust, the one you can turn to, the one who loves you above all else and knows your heart inside out. Give the ultimate expression of romance with this stunning, hand-crafted arrangement of long-stem red roses!
Make this season a memorable one with a breathtaking bouquet that will express all of the love in your heart. Classic red roses blend with the elegance of white calla lilies for an impressive bouquet created to bring romance and smiles into this beautiful holiday.
Fruit and chocolate are a natural fit!
Fruits pieces may include apples, grapes, oranges, pears, or other fruits as available. Chocolates will be chosen individually for each basket. Each basket is a unique, one-of-a-kind creation prepared with passion.
24 Pink Roses Bouquet
Ferrero Rochers (16 pcs)
This is an amazing gift to send to your loved ones on their special day. This combo will surely make them happy.
Large bouquet with oriental lilies in white/pink with premium roses
Buy Custom made balloons with words of your choice. Between 3 to 4 words of your choice for home and office delivery
For classic romance, a dozen red roses is always the perfect choice, A similar vase will be used if the one shown is not available at delivery time
Note: Without Vase - $27 - For the special someone who taught you every rose color has a meaning, return the favor with a gorgeous bouquet of fresh multicolored roses.
Buy this 24 Red Roses Stems Bouquet wrapped in a white wrapper for delivery to your dear ones in Uganda.
We do same day deliveries fro orders received before 12 noon Ugandan Time.